The City That Never Cries – 北上广不相信眼泪 – مدينة لا تعرف الدموع
The City that Never Cries (also titled Swan Dive for Love) is a 2015 comedy drama following the story of a married couple who have to cover up their relationship to avoid conflict working in the same company.
Intertwined between emotion and the workplace, the couple finds themselves having to pick their battles, but the power of love forces them to make a decision.
The original cast had Zhu Yawen and Ma Yili as the main couple with Arabic dubbing artists Mohamed El Nems and Leqaa El Serfy along with Aisha Basiouny, Hadeer Mostafa and the famed Ahmed Magdy.
Chinese Synopsis:
风趣幽默的IT男赵小亮事业受挫,个性强势的女友潘芸偏偏在最失意的时候提出结婚。婚 后,赵小亮在机缘巧合下进了潘芸的公司。为了不影响双方的工作形象,两人约好隐瞒了 夫妻关系,决心相辅相携在“北上广”的天地奋斗一番。两人事业上有声有色,却也因为秘 密夫妻的关系过得步步惊心,引发了一系列啼笑皆非的故事。他们各有追求者让彼此诚信 危机逐渐加剧,然而最不可调和的矛盾是他们都想让对方回归家庭来成全自己的事业,但 是双方都在事业奋斗的上升期,相互较着劲都不愿轻易做出妥协。尽管彼此深爱着对方, 尽但在各自的现实的利益面前,两人却渐行渐远。潘云怀孕并没有很好让两人修复感情。 夹杂在情感与职场之间,奋斗的一切究竟是为了什么,利益与情感孰重孰轻,最终爱的力 量让他们做出了选择